Hello Everyone,
We are looking an editor for a new project about betting news.
- Excellent knowledge of English.
- Experience in Betting for more than 3 Years
- Well knowhow about Betting industry.
- Expert in writing short analysis with valuation of a game.
- English Premier League
- English Championship
- German Bundesliga
- Spanish Primera Div
- French Ligue 1
- Italy Serie A
Plus a Few games from other important leagues.
You will receive a full report with all information's about last games, stats, injuries and suspensions and you have to complete this report with a short Analysis about 100-150 words with a suggestion or a Prediction.
income will be based on yours skills and your previous experience
If you are interested in this cooperation please send email to info@btfodds.com
Please include in your email.
- Some details about your experience in betting
- Give us minimum 2 examples of game analysis with a suggestion.
- Let us know if you can join our team in a long term
- Let us know about your Job and how many hours per day you can work for us.
Category: Looking for a job ?
Written by: BTFOdds
Date: Feb 19, 2015